Equivalent Length Calculator

This is a sample of thepiping equivalent length calculator. To access the working calculator, pleasesign up for free membership trial.

The calculator presented here can be used to calculate equivalent length for a set of piping fittings based on cumulativeK factorof those fittings. This calculator is based onDarcy's Equationand Darcy friction factor for calculation ofpressure drop for single phase flow.
The equivalent length calculated here can be added to the straight pipe length to obtain the total equivalent length of the whole piping system. For minor variations in flow this equivalent total length remains the same and changes in pressure drop may be obtained by directly multiplying thepressure drop per unit lengthby this total equivalent length.

W -质量流量卡帕city kg/h
ρ - Density of fluid kg/m3
µ - Viscosity of fluid (either liquid or gas) cP
e - Effective roughness of the piping mm
d - Internal diameter of the line mm
K - factorfor the piping fittings
Fluid Velocity m/s
Volumetric flow m3/hr
Reynold's No.
Darcy friction factor bar/km
Equivalent length of piping fittings m

Usually pipes are accompanied by bends, fittings, valves etc. UseEnggCyclopedia's K-factor calculatorto obtain K-factor for fittings in a line.




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